Mar 25, 2019
Today I’m sharing a recent FB Live I did inside The Empathy Rising FB Community. I’m recapping the Heartfelt Homepage Event. This was the best event I’ve ever held! Everyone who actively participated got so and much insight and so much clarity. These therapists were striking gold with their copy.
Your homepage is...
Mar 18, 2019
Your homepage is arguably the most
important page on your website as it is the first impression a
person will have with you and your practice.
It is the place to affirm your ideal client and if you fail to do that, the person you really want on your caseload is likely to click off of your site and head to another...
Mar 11, 2019
The entrepreneurial spirit brings with it a bunch of positive qualities.
The problem comes, however, when we
get too caught up in this drive to succeed and our identity becomes
intertwined with the results instead of the journey.
When we’re in that place where we tie our happiness and sense of worth to our...
Mar 4, 2019
Whenever you’re building a business, there’s a lot of pressure to get it right.
The drive to nail practice building can lead us down a path of seeking out any and all information in order to be successful business owners. There are thousands of blog posts to read, videos to watch, podcasts to listen to and coaches...