Jul 10, 2019
Hey Risers, I’m so happy to finally say welcome back to The Empathy Rising Podcast! As some of you may know, I had to take an unforeseen break from the show for a couple of weeks. My move to Alabama has been anything but smooth. Everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong.
These past weeks I had a bunch of cool business opportunities go out the window, had a therapist coach run an ad against me, and on top of that been homeless. Every time I tried to pivot, I was met with huge stop signs. So I took the hint from The Universe and paused.
Even though my life has been a bit of a mess, this launch of Side Hustle was the most ease-filled and the most lucrative. I actually hit my income goal for the entire year of 2019 in June and it has radically changed my outlook on business and the way I plan to show up for the rest of the year. I want to share with y’all everything I’ve learned so far about simplifying my business, time management, and making decisions that are best for my business that also makes me happy.
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